February 2023 update
Hello Syrup Fans,
Mike and I can hardly believe that it’s almost time to make syrup again. Some of the larger producers in our area have tapped in and might have already gotten a batch during that early thaw we had there. The sap was definitely flowing. However, the temperatures dipped to -23 the other day and are staying low at least for now. So we’ll be watching the weather report and the long term forecast to get an idea of when to start tapping in.
An update about our facebook status. We have decided to leave it in the past. While it was a decent outlet to share things with our customers, it wasn’t worth trying to deal with nefarious nonsense that comes with it. Instead we will stick to our trusty awesome website blog and instagram for updates.

Online store update – we have decided that an online store does not make sense for us at this time. However we will have a page dedicated to our products on the website. If one wants to make a purchase we will arrange to do so via email or telephone and work out the details from there. General estimated prices for shipping will be listed based on previous shipments and shipment sizes so you can decide if you’d like to do it that way or plan a trip to Hilton Beach in the summer instead.
We’ll be at our regular table in Hilton Beach at the Farmers Market this summer. We’re planning to stock our table with delicious syrupy goodies! Vegetable plans are for the usual and will vary depending on the season. We hope to have a good crop of Lettuce and Spinach for the first few markets in any case – all will depend on what Mother Nature decides to do and how well our no till experiment pans out – more on that later.
The final update is we are without internet at our home base, and so further updates will be sparse until we get connected again. It has been an interesting break from technology and much needed in some ways. Regardless we will keep you all posted about syruping and gardening so stand by!